Sunday, July 10, 2011

So...Who Wears The Pants?

Who handles the finances in your home? You? Your husband? Is it a joint effort? Or is one person in charge of everything and the other gets some sort of 'allowance'. (Weird, but I've been hearing of this sort of arrangement more and more lately.)

I handle the family finances. I review the accounts and make the decisions. My husband handles the bill paying.
There are some financial issues that I feel very strongly about and him, less so.

1. NO credit cards. When my husband and I were engaged, my in laws asked an older family friend, in our presence, what the secret to a happy marriage is. His reply? Never get a credit card. We took this tidbit to heart, we never got one, and we have been very happy with our decision. Now I know that many people will think me from the dark ages, and I understand that. But as a young immature couple striking out on our own, we didn't trust ourselves enough to use a credit card responsibly, so we made sure not to get one. We have been happy with our decision thusfar, especially with the rampant credit card debt we see around us. We do have 2 debit cards for online purchases and whatnot. The money gets removed from out bank account immediately so we can never use it irresponsibly. If we spend money that we don't have, it just won't go through.

2. SAVE like crazy. This is so major, I wish it was taught in some sort of mandatory premarital class. Save money every month, no matter what. I don't care if it's $100 or $10. It's a must. Everyone needs and emergency fund and everyone needs to be saving for the future. $10 a month, after a year, is still $120 that you wouldn't have had otherwise and with G-d's help, as your income increases, you will already be used to putting money aside monthly. People wake up when their child is 12 and wonder how they'll pay for a bar mitzva. Or they realize that their child needs braces and theirs no money to pay for them. It's never too early to save now, when your children are young, for the future.

What are some pieces of financial advice that you feel strongly about?

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